Friday, May 23, 2008

Jhen's Summer Mission

fu yoh. I did not actually sit down and plan for my summer.
I failed to plan. but not planning to fail okay?!
now introducing....

1. to be a lomographer.
-yeah. Jhen the Lomographer. unlike popeye the sailorman okay?! he's not my friend.

2. to be healthier
-exercise at least 3 days a week. at least 30minutes for each day. i said healthier, not to become damn damn damn healthy. LOL!

3. lose some weight.
-Mr. Seah [my dad] says,"how come you like getting fatter and fatter huh?" so i must either lose some weight. or just maintain it. it will be good enuff. oh ya wanna lose those fats under my arms. =.= EAT LESS. WORK MORE. hmph!

4. to be more girlish
-as what i said to Jo-Ann and Soon Ming, i wanna learn how to wear high heels! and more girlie [see it clear, it's g-i-r-l-i-e not g-e-l-i ]tops, less t-shirts, please?

5. keep in touch with ALL my friends.
-1st, im going back to my high school for their drama and meeting my high school classmates. at least one outing with my SS family and NS friends. and keeping in touch with my uni friends too. find me yamcha, ya?

6. to improve my parking skills
-my parking skills seriously suck lor! so i must improve by this summer!

7. to be more independent
-not to depend on my friends that much. I live my own life. for myself. not anyone of you.

8. to shop
-i have a lot of things to buy. new cloths. iPod Nano [if i have the money]. more skincare. blaH!

9. to learn yoga
-i wanted to learn. and dad encourages me to learn too. so i guess im going only if i found a nice centre. wouldn't be spending my money and time in pa lia centre right?

10. to blog
-promise to have 3-4 posts a week. and i will post up my lomo pictures once i get my lomo.

all above are my missions in these 4 months.
wish me luck lor.

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