Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Home of the Day by jhen89

after 2 years plus of lomography, finally.....

Home of the Day! 17.08.2010

Home of the Day by jhen89
"She seems to be gazing at the sky more often these days, anticipating something magical would happen. And with her Lomo LC-A, it’s impossible to miss anything!"

thanks LSI for the home of the day award. and the 50 Piggies. :D
now my dream came true. getting the diana mini white soon! hooooraaaaaaaaay!


p/s - i didn't know i got this until i found some of the lomographers congratulating me on my lomohome. lol!

(Photo by LC-A+ loaded with Agfa CT Precisa 100, cross processed.)

1 comment:

WL said...

win edy lo, play till win such award..
anyway, nice 1 la.. congratulation =P