so i decided to let you know more about jhen. XD
and appreciate it pleaseeeeeeeee. LOL
okay. was actually on my old PC and searching for some photos for this blog.
i am very regret that i've actually deleted my band's farewell party photo. aIKS!
but glad to find out that i have still a number of NS photos with me.
so, we're going to talk about NS.
and one reminder, pls dun ever ever ever ever ever [not going to type this word for a whole page] ever laugh at my photo okay? i noe i'm not good looking but i'm happy with it. ok o not?
but i did actually protect my face during ns lor.
dun blif me again ar?! nah tis is the prove -
dun laugh i tell u! I WARN YOU NOT TO LAUGH!
okay. put those craps [dennis and sam call these zhim, which means crab in hokkien].
okay put those zhim aside first.
My NS camp was Kem PLKN Jugra, Banting.
Jugra is a place okay. and got no meaning for this word.
and my company was Alpha.
okay, in case you dun know, we use to call guys in NS as Wira whereas the girls as Wirawati.
and we have a leader representing all of us which we call the Penghulu [sounds so like those old ah pek right? well, what to do...=.=]
okay. you must have imagine a Penghulu actually is like, well built one. tall tall. cool cool. looks smart. maybe at least good looking. blah blah blah.
but. no lor. still okay oni lor.LOL!
now you understand why some of the ns trainees said ns is bad right? =(
this guy is my camp's penghulu. LOL. but i do not hate him lar. just tat, he's a bit out of expectation. >.<
ok lar ok lar. not to comment about people. dahlah ownself not really very good looking. =.=
now... introducing Jhen the Lomographer...... introducing the Blok Wirawati [Wirawati's dorm] of Kem PLKN Jugra, Banting~
cheng cheng cheng~~~~!
ok lar. i noe i look ugly lar. vomit lor vomit lor~~~
i can hardly recognize myself in this photo also lor. it was me being kepo holding the flag of company.
and i admit that i did not contribute anything while my company was designing the flag. >.<
okay. the same flag. but diff holder. LOL. this is Morgan Lee [at 1st i seriously felt his name is like an indian's name lor. shhhh dun tell him k? but after i found out his full name edi, i realized that Morgan is actually kinda suitable for him]
Everybody, he can dance breakdance one lor. freaking yeng. [mr lee, if u r reading this, dun be perasan okay? LOL]
let me introduce to you the most handsome trainer in my camp den..
Cikgu Li and I~ he's good looking lor. and hor and hor.
you know what, he called me LENG LUI always when i was in camp. XD
The photo of our Wirajaya [the name for our jungle trekking programme]
seriously nice lor this photo right?
and spot me!!!! Jo-Ann spotted me in just 2 seconds. =.=
after so many photos which would make you have nightmare later,
i decided to do something good for you.
nah! i'm telling you seriously about this is the nicest photo that i've taken during ns.
okay this entry will end here.
and now i realized that i wasnt talking much about my ns experience throughout the post. erm.....
just wanna show you how yong sui i am, cannot ar?!
1 comment:
i spotted u in just 1 second lo ok? better den jo-ann wahahaha!!! That time you look fatter right? and so freaking dark!! Prettier then now leh. HAHAHAHAHA kidding
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