and you might not.
Honda ASIMO is something that you basically can't eat.
and Honda ASIMO is not a car model.
nah. this is ASIMO
This is ASIMO. say hi to ASIMO. [erm... sounds so like swee loo]
Recently, Mr. Honda has just conducted Detroit Symphony Orchestra. and Yoyo Ma was the cellist in the concert.
quite cute lor.
erm I was the conductor of my band during high school [sigh.. .those were the days...]
what?! dun believe ar?!
nah. tis is the prove -

don't try to spot for me. I am not inside. XDthis is my band. tis was taken i think a year ago when they were rehearsing for a parade in dataran.
go ask anyone of them and see whether i was the conductor or not lor.
erm. i hate it lor. i mean the uniform. so not yeng lor. geram.
haiz whatever lar. but i still love the band. muacks muacks.
ei. i was a prefect during high school also lor.dun blif again?
nah! look at this-
okay. finished showing off. actually all above are -
can't find a photo of bullshit. but this bird shits photo was taken by me. in Penang last 2 years. LOL.
okay. back to Mr. Honda ASIMO.
before he started to conduct, he greeted the audience, 'HELLO EVERYONE'
so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
"Although an impressive feat, Asimo cannot actually respond to the orchestra. The performance was achieved by mimicking the actions of a video of Detroit Symphony's education director Charles Burke performing the same piece six months earlier."
adapted from
now I heard the 'owhhhhhhhhhhhhh' from you. Now we know how they can do this. hahahaha.
and this event is actually to promote music education.
finally, here is the video of the performance.
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